Trillanes: Ang Pay hike ng mga Police at Sundalo ay dahil yan kay Aquino at hindi kay Duterte

he increase in the salaries of soldiers and policemen this year was not through the efforts of President Rodrigo Duterte but due to the executive order signed during the last months of the Aquino administration, an opposition senator said Friday.

In a statement, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV reminded Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel that their pay hike is the second tranche of former President Benigno Aquino III’s Executive Order 201, which covers salary increases for government workers.

“Our military and police personnel should be aware that their allowances, together with the salaries of all government employees, have significantly increased since 2016, and will continue to increase until 2019,” said Trillanes.

“This increase is actualized by EO 201 signed by the previous administration. President Duterte has nothing to do with this. His promise to double the salaries of soldiers and policemen remains an unfulfilled promise,” he added.
Trillanes: Ang Pay hike ng mga Police at Sundalo ay dahil yan kay Aquino at hindi kay Duterte Trillanes: Ang Pay hike ng mga Police at Sundalo ay dahil yan kay Aquino at hindi kay Duterte Reviewed by Blogger on 4:55 AM Rating: 5

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