Breaking News: Vladimir Putin: Fidel Ramos is blind to see what Duterte is doing
MOSCOW, Russia — The President of The Russia Federation, Vladimir Putin has fired shots at the former President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos for describing Duterte’s first year as a “letdown”.
According to Pres. Vladimir Putin,anyone who does not see what "PRRD has achieved and is achieving is blind".
"Ramos is blind.You do not need medicated spectacles to see what PRRD has done" - Putin said.
According to Pres. Vladimir Putin,anyone who does not see what "PRRD has achieved and is achieving is blind".
"Ramos is blind.You do not need medicated spectacles to see what PRRD has done" - Putin said.
Breaking News: Vladimir Putin: Fidel Ramos is blind to see what Duterte is doing
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5:28 AM

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